In an historic event, the new session of Congress started in a partial government shut down. The shutdown has affected significant sectors important to the work of our members and remain shuttered or partially operational.
The new political environment, with a Democrat majority in the House of Representatives and a Republican majority in the Senate, coupled with the ongoing partial government shutdown, will certainly bring a slow down to process and procedures for some of the work we do. However, with the challenges that loom, the Executive Committee of ABA agreed it is important to stay the course on critical issues affecting our industry such as Food Policy, Labor Policy, Trade, and Logistics.
ABA’s FTRAC Committee will meet in early Februaryin Washington, DC to discuss the specifics of our industry’s regulatory priorities. Given the dynamics of the current political landscape, it’s more important than ever for members to be engaged in ABA’s member-driven advocacy process. Please make sure your company’s resident expert on regulatory issues has a seat at the table as ABA finalizes the 2019 priorities.